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Title: Air Pollution - Monitoring, Modelling, Health and Control
Authors: Mukesh Khare
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: InTech
Abstract: Air pollution has always been a trans-boundary environmental problem and a matter of global concern for past many years. High concentrations of air pollutants due to numerous anthropogenic activities influence the air quality. There are many books on this subject, but the one in front of you will probably help in filling the gaps existing in the area of air quality monitoring, modelling, exposure, health and control, and can be of great help to graduate students professionals and researchers. The book is divided in two volumes dealing with various monitoring techniques of air pollutants, their predictions and control. It also contains case studies describing the exposure and health implications of air pollutants on living biota in different countries across the globe.
Keywords: Engineering; Environmental Engineering
ISBN: 978-953-51-0381-3

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