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Title: Energy Storage in the Emerging Era of Smart Grids
Authors: Rosario Carbone
Issue Date: 2011
Publisher: InTech
Abstract: Reliable, high-efficient and cost-effective energy storage systems can undoubtedly play a crucial role for a large-scale integration on power systems of the emerging "distributed generation" (DG) and for enabling the starting and the consolidation of the new era of so called smart-grids. A non exhaustive list of benefits of the energy storage properly located on modern power systems with DG could be as follows: it can increase voltage control, frequency control and stability of power systems, it can reduce outages, it can allow the reduction of spinning reserves to meet peak power demands, it can reduce congestion on the transmission and distributions grids, it can release the stored energy when energy is most needed and expensive, it can improve power quality or service reliability for customers with high value processes or critical operations and so on. The main goal of the book is to give a date overview on: (I) basic and well proven energy storage systems, (II) recent advances on technologies for improving the effectiveness of energy storage devices, (III) practical applications of energy storage, in the emerging era of smart grids.
Keywords: Engineering; Electrical and Electronic Engineering
ISBN: 978-953-307-269-2

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