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Title: Eli Lilly's Project Resilience: Anticipating the Future of the Pharmaceutical Industry
Authors: Rebecca M. Henderson
Issue Date: 2007
Abstract: This MIT Sloan Management case study highlights strategic challenges for Eli Lilly, who are facing changes in the structure of the pharmaceutical industry as a result of new science and untenable cost structures, and the options Eli Lilly is considering on how to alter its business model to capitalize on those changes. Learning Objective: To introduce students to the issues inherent in "making strategy" in terms of very significant environmental turbulence -- to introduce them to the strengths and weaknesses of scenario planning as a tool, and to give them practice in making strategic choices. This case study is part of the MIT management studies "Industry evolution" stream. Industry evolution is the study of how industries begin, grow, mature and adapt to changing business environments.
Keywords: Business;Consumer Sciences;management;strategy;business;pharmaceutical industry;technology;innovation;business models

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