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dc.contributor.authorWade Hedegard
dc.description.abstractHuman Anatomy and Physiology is designed for the two-semester anatomy and physiology course taken by life science and allied health students. The textbook follows the scope and sequence of most Human Anatomy and Physiology courses, and its coverage and organization were informed by hundreds of instructors who teach the course. Instructors can customize the book, adapting it to the approach that works best in their classroom. The artwork for this textbook is aimed focusing student learning through a powerful blend of traditional depictions and instructional innovations. Color is used sparingly, to emphasize the most important aspects of any given illustration. Significant use of micrographs from the University of Michigan complement the illustrations, and provide the students with a meaningful alternate depiction of each concept. Finally, enrichment elements provide relevance and deeper context for students, particularly in the areas of health, disease, and information relevant to their intended careers.
dc.publisherRice University
dc.rights.uriCreative Commons Attribution License (by 3.0)
dc.sourceopenstax cnx
dc.subject.classificationScience and Technology
dc.subject.otherwater balancevertebraevascular systemurineurinary systemtissuethoraxthoracic cagestomachskullskinskeletonskeletal systemsensory perceptionrespiratory systemrespirationreproductive systemreproductionrenalproteinplateletplacental hormonephysiologypharynxperipheral nervous systempelvispectoral girdlepathogenpancreasorganic compoundnutritionnucleusneuronneurologicalnervous systemmusclemotor responsemetabolismlymphocytelymphatic systemlungliverleukocytelactationkidneyjointintestineintegumentary systeminorganic compoundinheritanceimmunityimmune systemhypothalamushormonehomeostasishemostasisheat balanceheartglandgallbladderfluid balancefetalfertilizationfascicleexamesophaguserythrocyteepithelialenergyendocrineelementelectrolyteelectrical activityDNAdigestive systemdigestiondietdevelopmentcytoplasmconnective tissuecirculatory pathwaychemicalcentral nervous systemcellcardiovascular systemcardiaccapillarybonebody fluidbloodaxial skeletonautonomic nervous systematomappendicular skeletonantibodyanatomyadrenalaction potentialacid-base balance
dc.titleDerived copy of Anatomy & Physiology 3

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