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Title: Scr0370: The repeat loop in Scratch 2.0
Authors: Richard Baldwin
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: Rice University
Abstract: In this module, you will Learn the difference between a definite loop and an indefinite loop. I will explain two Scratch programs that approximate the Scratch equivalent of a for loop in other programming languages. In Scratch, it is called a repeat loop. I will provide a brief introduction to the topic of animation. I will also explain the concept of costumes in Scratch. The programs explained in this module will illustrate the use of costumes to implement a crude animation that makes it appear that a cat sprite is walking.
Keywords: Science and Technology;animationbeginnersCodecomputercostumesdefinite loopfor loophomeschoolindefinite loopKidsprogrammingrepeat loopScratch 2.0Teaching kids to codewhile loop

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