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Title: Nanocomposites and Polymers with Analytical Methods
Authors: John Cuppoletti
Issue Date: 2011
Publisher: InTech
Abstract: This book contains 16 chapters. In the first part, there are 8 chapters describing new materials and analytic methods. These materials include chapters on gold nanoparticles and Sol-Gel metal oxides, nanocomposites with carbon nanotubes, methods of evaluation by depth sensing, and other methods. The second part contains 3 chapters featuring new materials with unique properties including optical non-linearities, new materials based on pulp fibers, and the properties of nano-filled polymers. The last part contains 5 chapters with applications of new materials for medical devices, anodes for lithium batteries, electroceramics, phase change materials and matrix active nanoparticles.
Keywords: Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials
ISBN: 978-953-307-352-1

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