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Title: Microangiopathy
Authors: Raimondo De Cristofaro
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: InTech
Abstract: Microangiopathies are pathological processes causing degenerative disorders of small vessels. The circulatory problems caused by microangiopathies may be responsible for failure of individual or multiple organs. These pathological processes are indeed one of the most common disorders characterized by high morbility and mortality in the affected patients. Many studies have revealed very complicated processes both at cellular and molecular level. However, much work remains to define the diversity of different pathogenetic mechanisms leading to microangiopathic disorders to provide appropriate prevention and treatment strategies. The aim of this volume is providing illustrative examples of relevant mechanisms responsible for different forms of microangiopathies and how this body of evidences can be harnessed to define new strategies of therapeutic intervention.
Keywords: Medicine; Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine
ISBN: 978-953-51-0419-3

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