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Title: Oncogene and Cancer - From Bench to Clinic
Authors: Yahwardiah Siregar
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: InTech
Abstract: This book describes a course of cancer growth starting from normal cells to cancerous form and the genomic instability, the cancer treatment as well as its prevention in form of the invention of a vaccine. Some diseases are also discussed in detail, such as breast cancer, leucaemia, cervical cancer, and glioma. Understanding cancer through its molecular mechanism is needed to reduce the cancer incidence. How to treat cancer more effectively and the problems like drug resistance and metastasis are very clearly illustrated in this publication as well as some research result that could be used to treat the cancer patients in the very near future. The book was divided into six main sections: 1. HER2 Carcinogenesis: Etiology, Treatment and Prevention; 2. DNA Repair Mechanism and Cancer; 3. New Approach to Cancer Mechanism; 4. New Role of Oncogenes and Tumor Suppressor Genes; 5. Non Coding RNA and Micro RNA in Tumorigenesis; 6. Oncogenes for Transcription Factors
Keywords: Medicine; Oncology
ISBN: 978-953-51-0858-0

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