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Title: Pregnancy Thrombophilia - The Unsuspected Risk
Authors: Petar Ivanov
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: InTech
Abstract: Learn the recent statements concerning the impact and management of mother-fetal thrombophilia, the achievement necessary for gestation complication prevention and realizing a successful pregnancy valuation. Pregnancy Thrombophilia - The Unsuspected Risk encompasses complete many-sides aspects of thrombophilic conditions during pregnancy, including clinical and basic knowledge approach faced to: 1) Obstetricians, IVF involving gynecologists, Internists, and General practitioners, especially skilled in high risk pregnancy assessment will receive up to date evidence for mother thrombophilia testing indications, an incoming pharmacogenetic approach of individualized antithrombotic therapy and thrombotic tendency management in assisted reproductive technics; 2) Physicians, in particular geneticists, biologists and all researchers, who combine the science of the laboratory with teaching practice, will have essential benefits from the chapters of physiology, pathological and molecular basis of maternal/fetus thrombophilia; 3) The mother-health incorporated immunologists will find a new therapeutic approach beyond anticoagulant treatment in pregnancy with autoimmune conditions. Pregnancy Thrombophilia - The Unsuspected Risk gives you a chance to a rapid review of the recent stands, concerning maternal thrombotic state and authoritative and easy to read summary answers in your daily pregnancy follow up practice.
Keywords: Medicine; Hematology
ISBN: 978-953-51-1199-3

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