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Title: Progress in Hemodialysis - From Emergent Biotechnology to Clinical Practice
Authors: Angelo Carpi, Carlo Donadio and Gianfranco Tramonti
Issue Date: 2011
Publisher: InTech
Abstract: Hemodialysis (HD) represents the first successful long-term substitutive therapy with an artificial organ for severe failure of a vital organ. Because HD was started many decades ago, a book on HD may not appear to be up-to-date. Indeed, HD covers many basic and clinical aspects and this book reflects the rapid expansion of new and controversial aspects either in the biotechnological or in the clinical field. This book revises new technologies and therapeutic options to improve dialysis treatment of uremic patients. This book consists of three parts: modeling, methods and technique, prognosis and complications.
Keywords: Medicine; Urology and Nephrology
ISBN: 978-953-307-377-4

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