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Title: Acupuncture - Clinical Practice, Particular Techniques and Special Issues
Authors: Marcelo Saad
Issue Date: 2011
Publisher: InTech
Abstract: Acupuncture is growing in popularity world-wide. Acupuncture and related techniques are useful tools for treating a spectrum of diseases. However, there are still many areas of controversy connected to it due to the fact that mechanisms of action of acupuncture are not entirely clear. Another debilitating element is the absence of a convincing model of sham acupuncture for a control group in clinical trials.Therefore, there are still inappropriate prejudice and unfamiliarity regarding acupuncture. I hope this book can contribute to guide the advance of this ancient medical art. The reader will here find texts wrote by authors from different parts of the world. The chapters cover strategic areas to collaborate with the consolidation of the knowledge in acupuncture. The main objective is to share elements to make acupuncture more and better offered at health systems worldwide.
Keywords: Medicine; Complementary and Alternative Medicine
ISBN: 978-953-307-630-0

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