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標題: From The Caves And Jungles Of The Hindostan
作者: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
公開日期: 1880
摘要: The book "From the caves and jungles of Hindustan" in a literature style describes the travels of H. Blavatsky and her Teacher which she named Takhur Gulab-Singh. In spite of that the book was considered as novel, Blavatsky asserted that "the facts and persons that I cited are true. I simply collected to time interval in three-four months the events and cases occurring during several years just like the part of the phenomena that the Teacher has shown".
連結: http://www.feedbooks.com/book/6026/from-the-caves-and-jungles-of-the-hindostan
關鍵字: Biography;autobiography


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