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標題: Slavery in the Americas
作者: AnaMaria Seglie
公開日期: 2011
出版社: Rice University
摘要: This course includes modules that AP history and literature teachers can use to introduce students to slavery within a broader hemispheric context. It includes discussions of slave sales, labor, gender, rebellion, and revolution. This course or the individual modules within it could help supplement sections of American studies courses concerned with transatlantic encounters and colonial beginnings, colonial North America, transformation of the economy and society in antebellum America, religion and reform, the union in crisis, and the U.S. Civil War. The course's themes include American diversity, American identity, culture, demographic changes, economic transformations, reform, war and diplomacy, and slavery and its legacies in North America. Literature teachers might use this course to find suggestions for teaching slave narratives, abolitionist writings and novels, and Civil War literature.
連結: https://cnx.org/contents/bf671bad-3536-4adf-9f66-c3c482887441@3.3/Slavery_in_the_Americas
關鍵字: Humanities;abolition;anti-slavery;Denmark Vesey;Emancipation;Frederick Douglass;Gender;George Dunham;Haiti;Harriet Beecher Stowe;indentured servitude;labor;Olaudah Equiano;race relations;Ralph Waldo Emerson;rebellion;revolution;slave sales;slavery;Toussaint L'Ouverture;U.S. Civil War;War


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