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標題: Introduction to Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) Processes and Bioremediation of Oil-Contaminated Sites
作者: Laura Romero-Zerón
公開日期: 2012
出版社: InTech
摘要: This book offers practical concepts of EOR processes and summarizes the fundamentals of bioremediation of oil-contaminated sites. The first section presents a simplified description of EOR processes to boost the recovery of oil or to displace and produce the significant amounts of oil left behind in the reservoir during or after the course of any primary and secondary recovery process; it highlights the emerging EOR technological trends and the areas that need research and development; while the second section focuses on the use of biotechnology to remediate the inevitable environmental footprint of crude oil production; such is the case of accidental oil spills in marine, river, and land environments. The readers will gain useful and practical insights in these fields.
連結: http://www.intechopen.com/books/introduction-to-enhanced-oil-recovery-eor-processes-and-bioremediation-of-oil-contaminated-sites
關鍵字: Materials Science
ISBN: 978-953-51-0629-6


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