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標題: Industrial Robotics: Programming, Simulation and Applications
作者: Low Kin Huat
公開日期: 2006
出版社: Pro Literatur Verlag, Germany / ARS, Austria
摘要: This book covers a wide range of topics relating to advanced industrial robotics, sensors and automation technologies. Although being highly technical and complex in nature, the papers presented in this book represent some of the latest cutting edge technologies and advancements in industrial robotics technology. This book covers topics such as networking, properties of manipulators, forward and inverse robot arm kinematics, motion path-planning, machine vision and many other practical topics too numerous to list here. The authors and editor of this book wish to inspire people, especially young ones, to get involved with robotic and mechatronic engineering technology and to develop new and exciting practical applications, perhaps using the ideas and concepts presented herein.
連結: http://www.intechopen.com/books/industrial_robotics_programming_simulation_and_applications
關鍵字: Robotics; Industrial Robotics
ISBN: 3-86611-286-6


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