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Title: Multiagent Systems
Authors: Salman Ahmed and Mohd Noh Karsiti
Issue Date: 2009
Publisher: I-Tech Education and Publishing
Abstract: Multi agent systems involve a team of agents working together socially to accomplish a task. An agent can be social in many ways. One is when an agent helps others in solving complex problems. The field of multi agent systems investigates the process underlying distributed problem solving and designs some protocols and mechanisms involved in this process. This book presents an overview of some of the research issues in the field of multi agents. It is a presentation of a combination of different research issues which are pursued by researchers in the domain of multi agent systems as they are one of the best ways to understand and model human societies and behaviours. In fact, such systems are the systems of the future.
Keywords: Robotics; Multiagent Systems
ISBN: 978-3-902613-51-6

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