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標題: Optical Fiber New Developments
作者: Christophe Lethien
公開日期: 2009
出版社: InTech
摘要: The optical fibre technology is one of the hop topics developed in the beginning of the 21th century and could substantially benefit applications dealing with lighting, sensing and communication systems. Many improvements have been made in the past years to reduce the fibre attenuation and to improve the fibre performance. Nowadays, new applications have been developed over the scientific community and this book fits this paradigm. It summarizes the current status of know-how in optical fibre applications and represents a further source of information dealing with two main topics: the development of fibre optics sensors, and the application of optical fibre for telecommunication systems.
連結: http://www.intechopen.com/books/optical-fiber-new-developments
關鍵字: Engineering; Electrical and Electronic Engineering
ISBN: 978-953-7619-50-3


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