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標題: Creole Identity in the French Caribbean Novel
作者: Murdoch, H. Adlai
公開日期: 2001
摘要: Adlai Murdoch offers a detailed rereading of five major contemporary French Caribbean writers--Glissant, Condé, Maximin, Dracius-Pinalie, and Chamoiseau. Emphasizing the role of narrative in fashioning the cultural and political doubleness of Caribbean Creole identity, Murdoch shows how these authors actively rewrite their own colonially driven history.
連結: http://florida.theorangegrove.org/og/items/274f1ed9-12aa-078c-894a-a0876340e375/1/
關鍵字: Social Sciences;french caribbean writers;glissant;condé;maximin;dracius-pinalie;chamoiseau;caribbean creole identity
ISBN: 9781616101275


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