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標題: Best Practices in Online Teaching
作者: Larry Ragan
公開日期: 2008
出版社: Rice University
摘要: This course provides practical strategies and pedagogical advice for instructors teaching in an online environment. The course includes advice about: preparing to teach in an online environment, managing the teaching of a course, and addressing larger issues surrounding online teaching (e.g. workload, intellectual property, etc.) The course includes interviews from a number of teachers who have taught in an online environment. This course is based on a training session offered to faculty who teach at The World Campus at Penn State University.
連結: http://cnx.org/contents/8c2237e2-773e-4801-8d7f-f6ac1194aff3@2.3/Best_Practices_in_Online_Teach
關鍵字: Social Sciences;Science and Technology


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