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標題: Dynamics of Power in Dutch Integration Politics : From Accommodation to Confrontation
作者: Uitermark ,Justus
公開日期: 2012
出版社: Amsterdam University Press
摘要: Integration politics in the Netherlands has changed dramatically between 1990 and 2005. Whereas ethnic and religious differences were hitherto pacified through accommodation, a new and increasingly powerful current in Dutch politics problematized the presence of minorities. This development represents a challenge to sociologists and political scientists: how to map and explain drastic changes? Arguing that extant approaches are better at explaining continuity than change, this book develops a relational discourse analysis to understand dynamic power relations in national as well as local politics.
連結: http://www.oapen.org/record/426535
關鍵字: Sociology;Public administration
ISBN: 9789089644060


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