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標題: Growth and Cycles in Australia's Wine Industry: A Statistical Compendium, 1843 to 2013
作者: Anderson ,Kym
Aryal R. ,Nanda
公開日期: 2015
出版社: University of Adelaide Press
摘要: Another magisterial statistical compendium from Kym Anderson, with the assistance of Nanda Aryal: surely no nation's wine endeavours have ever been more precisely tracked through history than Australia's are here. The depth and intricacy of the global context, too, makes fascinating and often enlightening reading for any student of wine.
連結: http://www.oapen.org/record/560099
關鍵字: Economics;wine economics;wine markets;climate change;grape varieties;wine data;australian wine market;wine market australia;wine production;wine consumption;varietal choices;statistical compendium;wine economy;kym anderson;nanda r. aryal
ISBN: 9781925261097


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