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標題: Vibrations and Waves
作者: Crowell, Benjamin
公開日期: 2008
摘要: This is a text on vibrations and waves for an introductory college physics class. The treatment is algebra-based, with applications of calculus discussed in optional sections. Contents: 1) Vibrations. 2) Resonance. 3) Free Waves. 4) Bounded Waves. This is book 3 in the Light and Matter series of free introductory physics textbooks.
連結: http://florida.theorangegrove.org/og/items/982c5ac1-a779-dec5-fb3d-1a2a166f5f27/1/
關鍵字: Science;Physics;Science;Physics;Vibrations;Resonance;Free Waves;Bounded Waves;Period;Frequency;Amplitude;Harmonic Motion;Wave Motion;Waves on a String;Sound Waves;Light Waves;Periodic Waves;Doppler Effect;Energy in Vibrations;Reflection;Transmission;Absorption;Quantitative Treatment of Reflection;Inverted Reflections;Uninverted reflections in gene…


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