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標題: Musical Signal Processing with LabVIEW -- Additive Synthesis
作者: Ed Doering
公開日期: 2010
出版社: Rice University
摘要: Additive synthesis creates complex sounds by adding together individual sinusoidal signals called partials. A partial's frequency and amplitude are each time-varying functions, so a partial is a more flexible version of the harmonic associated with a Fourier series decomposition of a periodic waveform. Learn about partials, how to model the timbre of natural instruments, various sources of control information for partials, and how to make a sinusoidal oscillator with an instantaneous frequency that varies with time. This course is part of the series "Musical Signal Processing with LabVIEW".
連結: https://cnx.org/contents/19b473ed-5d81-4da1-b486-d35ac78b7321@1.3/Musical_Signal_Processing_with
關鍵字: Science and Technology


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