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標題: Food Pyramid Lesson Plan
作者: Robin Louchis
公開日期: 2011
出版社: Rice University
摘要: Lesson Plan on Food Pyramid. Designed for students learning English as second language. Students will be able to identify the five food groups using the USDA Food Pyramid, classify different food items into the correct categories of the Food Pyramid, identify foods that keep our bodies healthy, create and present a menu for a fictitious restaurant that contains good food choices from each of the food groups, and complete a Food Group booklet.
連結: http://cnx.org/contents/2d0f7d6d-0976-4084-80bb-b5857b957a50@1/Food_Pyramid_Lesson_Plan
關鍵字: Science and Technology;Balanced MealsFood PyramidNutritionSDAIE Lesson Plan


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