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標題: Air Quality - New Perspective
作者: Gustavo Lopez Badilla, Benjamin Valdez and Michael Schorr
公開日期: 2012
出版社: InTech
摘要: This book contains 15 chapters reporting air pollution of interest to experts in academia and industrial plants dealing with the environmental issues. These chapters emphasize the problems of air pollution involving the human sector as an essential part in the control of air pollutants. The book contains an analysis of various geographic regions and evaluation of different activities related to these areas. Descriptive analyzes present the generation of air pollution and its effect on society and materials evaluations. The major sources of emission of pollutants and the damage that they originate in the towns and industrial plants are reported. This volume provides methods and tools for assessment according to each location. Other important aspects are the activities of governmental authorities, the academic and sectors for solving the environment problem.
連結: http://www.intechopen.com/books/air-quality-new-perspective
關鍵字: Environmental Sciences
ISBN: 978-953-51-0674-6


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