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標題: Chronic Kidney Disease and Renal Transplantation
作者: Manisha Sahay
公開日期: 2012
出版社: InTech
摘要: This valuable resource covers inpatient and outpatient approaches to chronic renal disease and renal transplant with clinical practicality. This first section of the book discusses chronic disease under distinct topics, each providing the readers with state-of-the-art information about the disease and its management. It discusses the fresh perspectives on the current state of chronic kidney disease. The text highlights not just the medical aspects but also the psychosocial issues associated with chronic kidney disease. The latest approaches are reviewed through line diagrams that clearly depict recent advances. The second section of the book deals with issues related to transplant. It provides effective and up-to-date insight into caring for your transplant patients.
連結: http://www.intechopen.com/books/chronic-kidney-disease-and-renal-transplantation
關鍵字: Medicine; Urology and Nephrology
ISBN: 978-953-51-0003-4


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