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標題: Clinical, Research and Treatment Approaches to Affective Disorders
作者: Mario Francisco Juruena
公開日期: 2012
出版社: InTech
摘要: The causes, development and outcomes of disorders are determined by the relationship of psychological, social and cultural factors with biochemistry and physiology. Biochemistry and physiology are not disconnected and different from the rest of our experiences and life events. This system is based on current studies that report that the brain and its cognitive processes show a fantastic synchronization. Written by the foremost experts on Affective Disorders worldwide, this book is characterized by its innovative, refreshing, and highly sensitive perspective on current knowledge of diagnostic, neurobiology, early life stress and treatment of Mood Disorders. The authors share a deep understanding of unique challenges and difficulties involved in Affective Disorders, and have achieved a balance among clinical, research and new treatment approaches to Affective Disorders. The chapters are written in a comprehensive, easily readable, and highly accessible style, stimulating readers, clinicians and researchers.
連結: http://www.intechopen.com/books/clinical-research-and-treatment-approaches-to-affective-disorders
關鍵字: Medicine; Mental and Behavioural Disorders and Diseases of the Nervous System
ISBN: 978-953-51-0177-2


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