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標題: Advanced Techniques in Liposuction and Fat Transfer
作者: Nikolay Serdev
公開日期: 2011
出版社: InTech
摘要: Liposuction is the first cosmetic procedure to change beutification surgery from open extensive excision surgery into a more atraumatic closed one. It gave rise to the modern understanding of minimally scarring and minimally invasive surgery and changed the understanding and preferences of both patients and doctors. It also became the most common procedure in cosmetic surgery world-wide, practiced by an increased number of physicians from various specialties. The techniques of fat grafting, closely bound with liposuction, have found widespread application and fat stem cells seem to be changing the future of many areas in medicine. Turning the pages, the reader will find a lot of information about advances, tips and tricks, as well as important milestones in the development of the different methods available, such as classic, power, ultrasound, laser and radio-frequency assisted liposuction etc. Most useful anesthesia techniques are described and discussed, and guidelines have been established for medical indications. Special attention is paid to good patient selection, complications and risks.
連結: http://www.intechopen.com/books/advanced-techniques-in-liposuction-and-fat-transfer
關鍵字: Medicine; Surgery
ISBN: 978-953-307-668-3


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