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標題: Embryonic Stem Cells - Basic Biology to Bioengineering
作者: Michael S. Kallos
公開日期: 2011
出版社: InTech
摘要: Embryonic stem cells are one of the key building blocks of the emerging multidisciplinary field of regenerative medicine, and discoveries and new technology related to embryonic stem cells are being made at an ever increasing rate. This book provides a snapshot of some of the research occurring across a wide range of areas related to embryonic stem cells, including new methods, tools and technologies; new understandings about the molecular biology and pluripotency of these cells; as well as new uses for and sources of embryonic stem cells. The book will serve as a valuable resource for engineers, scientists, and clinicians as well as students in a wide range of disciplines.
連結: http://www.intechopen.com/books/embryonic-stem-cells-basic-biology-to-bioengineering
關鍵字: Medicine; Stem Cell Research
ISBN: 978-953-307-278-4


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