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標題: Health Management
作者: Krzysztof Smigorski
公開日期: 2010
出版社: Sciyo
摘要: Possibilities of medical intervention have thrived over the last decades. Our knowledge about mechanisms of the development of diseases and factors influencing it has increased. Effective treatment requires a holistic approach that takes into consideration aspects at first sight not related to a course of a specific disorder. This book contains a few chapters focusing on issues related to health management. The chapters are arranged in an order reflecting multidimensionality of issues constituting this theoretical and practical area - starting from the studies focusing on a general, administrative level, to considerations related to situations of individuals suffering from a specific illness. The discussed problems concern different age groups - children, adults and the elderly. We hope that readers professionally engaged in healthcare - both theoretically and clinically - will find it interesting, useful and inspiring.
連結: http://www.intechopen.com/books/health-management
關鍵字: Medicine; Public Health
ISBN: 978-953-307-120-6


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