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標題: Kidney Transplantation - New Perspectives
作者: Dr.(Md) Magdalena Trzcinska
公開日期: 2011
出版社: InTech
摘要: Although many years have passed since the first successful kidney transplantation, the method, although no longer considered a medical experiment, is still perceived as controversial and, as such, it triggers many emotions and that's why conscious educational efforts are still needed for kidney transplantation, for many people being the only chance for an active lifestyle and improved quality of life, to win common social acceptance and stop triggering negative connotations. Apart from transplantation controversies piling up over years transplantologists also have to face many other medical difficulties. The chapters selected for this book are of high level of content, and the fact that their authors come from many different countries, and sometimes even cultures, has facilitated a comprehensive and interesting approach to the problem of kidney transplantation. The authors cover a wide spectrum of transplant-related topics.
連結: http://www.intechopen.com/books/kidney-transplantation-new-perspectives
關鍵字: Medicine; Surgery
ISBN: 978-953-307-684-3


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