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Title: Ranking Universities
Authors: Halloin, Véronique
Aghion, Philippe
Bennink, Roel D.
Berghoff, Sonja
Debackere, Koenraad
Dewatripont, Mathias
Federkeil, Gero
Glänzel, Wolfgang
Hegarty, Seamus
Hoxby, Caroline
Lubrano, Michel
Mas-Colell, Andreu
Sapir, André
Vincke, Philippe
Dehon, Catherine
Jacobs, Dirk
Vermandele, Catherine
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Éditions de l'Université de Bruxelles
Keywords: Economics;self-help groups;Self-Help Norway;group therapy;social movements;organizational sociology;welfare-state development;selvhjelp;Selvhjelp Norge;gruppeterapi;organisasjonssosiologi;velferdsstatsutvikling
ISBN: 9782800414416

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