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標題: PPS.tv and China's Online Video Distribution Market
作者: Kevin Anthony, Roger Erdong Chen, Aaron Rackoff, Wai Yan Wong
公開日期: 2008
摘要: This is an MIT Sloan Management case study. This case describes China’s online video distribution market and the challenges one China-based, start-up, peer-to-peer online video provider, PPS.tv, faces as it prepares a growth and exit strategy. Learning Objective: To explore the classic growth choice for entrepreneurs in developing markets: (a) a domestic market that is large and immature, (b) an international market that will require fundamental changes to the business model, or (c) a technology market that could threaten IP rights. This case study is part of the MIT management studies "Global Entrepreneurship" stream.
連結: http://florida.theorangegrove.org/og/items/486e9389-5f36-90ca-ee0d-3b07f3e99428/1/
關鍵字: Business;Consumer Sciences;management;strategy;business;innovation;business models;Global Entrepreneurship;entrepreneurs;international business;globalization;IP;intellectual property


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