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標題: Educational Administration: The Roles of Leadership and Management
作者: National Council of Professors of Educational Administration
公開日期: 2007
出版社: Rice University
摘要: The eight nationally recognized authors represented in Educational Administration: The Roles of Leadership and Management clearly address both sides of this dichotomy – and do so in meaningful and understandable ways. And they present meaningful dialogue on the important aspect of management. Yes, the pendulum seems to swing back and forth, as lead author Dembowski states. But all eight authors make this point: Leadership and management are both important functions, but they have different purposes and they seek to obtain different outcomes.
連結: http://cnx.org/contents/fd216b00-a56f-4eba-bf72-81eeadb85add@1.1/Educational_Administration:_Th
關鍵字: Social Sciences


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